It has been proven time and again that targeted guest posting helps you bring your search engine rankings up considerably. About the only problem that you have as a guest poster is to find the right bloggers and convince them to accept your guest post and publish it on their blogger. How you communicate and build relationships with them is what we call “blogger outreach”.
Why it is important
There are thousands of websites who will accept any guest post you give them. However, they are not always of the highest quality. They may be seeking to increase their own rankings through excessive guest posting. Because their PR value is lower, your links from their website will have much lower value. They won’t give you as much of a ranking boost as good quality blogs.
Influential bloggers have a loyal audience. They are friends with their readers and people listen to them. If they recommend a product, readers are more likely to buy it rather than a competing product. Find such blogs that belong to your niche and have popular authors. Having your guest posting on these blogs will give you much better exposure and help you reach out to the right target audience.
Why reach influential bloggers
Bloggers who have managed to gain a good audience have worked hard to succeed. They have painstakingly built their reputation by consistently producing good posts that have genuine and useful content for readers. They trust the blogger to provide them with the right information. They don’t easily accept guest posts from anyone. They want high quality posts from you.
What they do is force you to come with really good blogs posts that will be worth of being published on high traffic websites. They push you to write post that their readers will like. What this does in effect is give you more credibility. Where you decide to publish your guest post speaks a lot about your own credibility.
When you pitch your posts to influential bloggers, you want your content to be top notch. You want it to be compelling for the readers of the blog. You want them to be impressed by your post and come visit your website. This will eventually lead to better rankings on search engine results pages of Google as well as other search engines.
Blogger outreach strategies
You can find a number of opportunities for guest posting if you look at the right places. It is very common for reporters to ask on a forum for expert advice on a particular subject. You can offer to give them a guest post and help their readers.
You can also find relevant blogs from blog directories. These websites rank blogs in different niches according to their traffic, so you will be able to choose the more popular blogs for your guest posts.
Blogger outreach should be a strategy that you use in order to publish more guest posts. If you have the right strategy to reach popular websites, you will get a more targeted audience for your own website.