Guest posting is one of the best ways to get recognized as a writer because you will find a number of opportunities to write quality content. It has been noticed that great writers can earn a lot of respect and reputation through the guest posts because these posts are read by numerous people globally.
Below mentioned are some of the ways by which you can request a guest post spot in positive ways. This way, you can leave a good impression on the site owner.
- First, you need to make a list of all the blogs which hold good reputation in the web world. You need to know if these blogs accept guest posting, contact person’s name and email address.
- You must do intensive research about the niches for which they share the content and if it suits your areas of expertise. You might have to convince them why you should write for them. In a nutshell, you need to know if the niches they support fit best with your writing skills.
- The title of the post holds an utmost place. It must give an extract of the complete post and what you are going to discuss in details. The title must be:
- Informative
- Interesting
- Unique
- Now, the next step is to contact the concerned person for the guest posting. You can send a personal email following all the guidelines. You should write a friendly yet very professional email along with the links to your blog and the work you have done in the past.
Follow the tips for submission
- You need to be polite and acknowledge in a better way.
- It is highly recommended to spell check the work and re-check your writing before sending for approval. If your work does not meet the requirements, it will be rejected right away.
- You need to give them all the details which they require at any point of time.
- It is not a good idea to propose in the same way for all the bloggers. You need to be a little different and more considerate as per the requirements.
- It is advised to follow up with them after a few days. However, some of them take more time like sixty days because of too many submissions.
- You need to be ready to write which you can handle easily. This will earn you respect and reputation in the eye of the owner. You should not request for more than what you can handle.
- Author Bio is one of the most important parameters and you must put a well crafted author bio. It should not be promotional but it should give the link to your blog.
- After your request has been accepted, you must write a well organized and error-free post and submit on time. Besides that, you also need to keep checking your post and respond to the comments. Some of the large blog site owners do not have time to contact you and tell if your post is live. You must show your kindness and check yourself regularly. It is one of the best ways to promote their services by sharing your blog on the networking sites. You must tag the site owner to show that you are obliged to get associated with their blogging community. You must thank him by sending an email or tweeting about them.
Above mentioned tips must be followed if you are going to submit a request for the guest post. They will help you in getting the approval.
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